Before you make a request please read this carefully.
You must 18 years old or older to make a booking. Terms and Conditions are legally binding.
We close at 11pm Sundays through to Thursdays and at 11:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
There's no charge for an alcohol licence to sell or provide alcohol, but you must ask our permission.
Sorry, no teenage, 18th, or 21st birthday parties. Smoke, fog or mist machines are not allowed.
Include an hour to set up, clear up and clean eg allow three hours for a two hour party.
The minimum time we will accept for a booking is one hour.
We often don't show all regular weekday bookings more than a term in advance.
A PA system is available at additional cost.
A "Provisional Booking" in the diary means it may still be available. Please ask.
Sorry, we no longer allow helium filled party balloons.
Please use the online booking system - Data Protection Regulations require you to register with us to make a booking.
Existing Users - please go to the date you require using the online diary, from + , log in as an existing user, then follow instructions to make a request. If you're unable to log in, choose "reset/forgot password" and set a new password,
New Users - please go to the date you require from the online diary, from +, register as a new user, then follow instructions to make a request.
Please contact us if you have difficulties.
What next?
Your request will be acknowledged by an email from Hallmaster.
We'll then email you with an invoice for the hire fee and damage deposit with details how to pay.
To secure your booking pay both the hire fee and damage deposit.
Your booking request will be shown as provisional until we receive payment.
The Refundable Damage Deposit is £50 for daytime bookings and £200 for evenings or for longer than normal events.
We aim to refund Damage Deposits 14 to 28 days after your event, providing there's no damage or nuisance caused.
For enquiries, our email address is: langtongreenvillagehall@outlook.com